congminhps 3/3/2024 1:58:06 PM

Do you find it difficult to get out of bed in the morning? Have you ever fallen asleep in class? If the answer is yes, then you’re not the only one. Across the world, bedtimes are getting later and teenagers are sleeping less.

What are the reasons for this? Well, stress is an important factor Like many young people, I find it hard to go to sleep before a big event such as an exam. Our increasing use of technology may also be to blame? New research at Kings College London, involving 125,000 children and teenagers on four continents, shows that using a phone or tablet before going to bed makes it twice as likely you’ll sleep badly that night. And the following day, this lack of sleep can make it difficult to concentrate on studying.

But while many schools are attempting to solve this problem by starting the school day later, some schools in New Mexico in the United States are trying something a bit different - they have installed sleeping areas, where students can sleep for 20 minutes in specially designed chairs. I recently fried one of these chairs and my first thought was that it looked like something from a science-fiction film. When I lay down on it, the top part slowly covered my head and upper body so that it became dark inside. Some people might find that scary, but I didn’t mind, and the gentle music was quite nice. I started to feel sleepy, and that was all I could remember until the lights went on and I woke up. Then, when I got up, I noticed I was a bit calmer than I’d been before. I’m sure someone who had slept badly before they went to school would feel a lot better.

Question 9: What’s the writer’s main purpose in writing this text?

A. To discuss the problem of teenagers sleeping too little.

B. To describe how she learnt how to sleep better at night.

C. To explain how using technology can help US sleep better.

D. To show that nowadays we need less sleep than we used to.

Question 10: What is the word “concentrate on” in paragraph 2 closest in meaning to?

A. ignore                                                                     B. pay attention to     

C. finish                                                                       D. have intention of

Question 11: According to the paragraph 2, children and teenagers have trouble getting to sleep because they____ .

A. use a phone or tablet before going to bed

B. had focused on their lesson at school

C. had taken an important exam before

D. have to get up early the next morning

Question 12: What does the word “where” in paragraph 3 refer to?

A. some schools          B. designed chairs       C. New Mexico            D. sleeping areas

Question 13: Which of the following is NOT TRUE in the whole passage?

A. Stress is one of main reasons that makes many people sleep badly

B. Across the world, bedtimes are getting later and the young are sleeping less.

C. The writer didn’t feel scary when she lay down on specially desired chairs.

D. The chairs were designed for a science-fiction film in the United States.