hauhs04 3/3/2024 1:58:34 PM

Planting trees

By Mark Rotheram, aged 13

           This spring, our teacher suggested we should get involved in a green project and plant some trees (14) _______________ the school. Everyone thought it was a great idea, but we found that choosing trees was quite (15) _______________. If we want them to grow properly, they had to be the right type. Our teacher suggested that we should (16) _______________ trees that grew naturally in our part of the world. That way, they would be used to local conditions.

           Then we had to think about the best place for planting the trees. We learnt that trees are happiest where that have room to grow, with (17) _______________ space for their branches. We tried to avoid trees (18) _______________ students were very active. Finally, we found da quiet corner close to the school garden – perfect!

Once we’d planted trees, we knew we had to look after them carefully. We all are (19) _______________ turns to check the leaves regularly. In case they turned yellow too soon, that could mean the tree was (20) _______________.

           We all knew that we wouldn’t be at the school any more by the time the trees grew tall, and that was a bit sad. (21) _______________, we’d planted them to benefit not only the environment, but also future students. We knew they’d get as much pleasure from them as we had. And that thought really cheered us up!

Question 14: A. on                  B. to                             C. about                       D. around

Question 15: A. complicated  B. easy                         C. lucky                        D. interested

Question 16: A. look for         B. turn down               C. apply for                  D. pass down

Question 17: A. few                B. number of               C. many                       D. plenty of

Question 18: A. who               B. whom                      C. where                      D. why

Question 19: A. set                 B. made                       C. took                         D. gave

Question 20: A. healthy          B. strong                      C. sick                          D. lazy

Question 21: A. Because        B. Although                  C. However                  D. Therefore