pt3492860 6/2/2024 10:37:57 PM

        Simply explained, machine learning is the process of teaching a computer system (34) __________ to make accurate predictions when provided with data. Those predictions could be answering whether a piece of fruit in a photo is a banana or an apple, whether an email is spam, or (35) __________ speech accurately enough to generate captions for a YouTube video.

        The key difference of machine-learning model from traditional computer software is that a human developer does not write specific codes to instruct the system. (36) __________, it is gradually “trained” to perform a task using a large amount of data. For instance, a huge number of images labelled as containing a banana or an apple can be used to teach a machine-learning computer to (37) __________ between the two types of fruit. So we can (5) ___________ say that data, and lots of it, is what makes machine learning possible.

(Adapted from

Question 34: A. why          B. what          C. when        D. how

Question 35: A. discovering        B. recognizing                 C. realizing          D. locating

Question 36: A. However         B. Instead         C. Nonetheless          D. Similarly

Question 37: A. split          B. detach          C. separate         D. discriminate

Question 38: A. gently              B. peacefully          C. harmlessly         D. safely

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