thaongankute.9x 6/2/2024 10:16:18 PM

        A power nap – a short sleep that you have during the day – has numerous health benefits.  It has been found that it improves learning and memory, prevents stress, and even helps lower the risk of (46) __________ heart diseases. However, there are times when you feel very (47) __________ after a nap, and other times when you wake up feeling disoriented and even more exhausted. Why?

        The answer is the four-stage sleep cycle. In stage 1, we’re in a light rest – the state between being awake and asleep. In stage 2, we detach from our surroundings and real sleep kicks (48) __________. Then, stages 3 and 4 are deep rest, in which your breathing really slows down and your muscles are relaxed. 

        The difference between a good nap and a terrible one (49) __________ down to which stage of sleep you’re waking up in. The perfect nap stays in stages one and two. Once in stage 3, your brain is going to hate the idea of being awake, (50) ___________ you will not feel very good when you get up. To stay in stages 1 and 2, take a power nap that is twenty to forty minutes long, depending on how long it takes you to fall asleep.

 (Adapted from

Question 46: A. developing         B. progressing        C. advancing        D. evolving

Question 47: A. refresh        B. refreshed        C. refreshing        D. refreshment

Question 48: A. out        B. in        C. on        D. over

Question 49: A. gets        B. reaches        C. goes        D. comes

Question 50: A. for        B. so        C. but        D. or

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