bomsaker03 6/2/2024 9:13:05 PM

        For indigenous peoples in many northern regions of the world, livelihoods often depend on access to frozen lakes in winter for hunting, fishing and travel. In countries like the US, Canada and Russia, winter leisure activities such as skating or tobogganing on ice are also hugely popular. But as the world gets warmer, winter ice is becoming less stable and in a recently published study, scientists believe that it poses an increasing threat of accidental drowning.

        Researchers looked at data, which was collated from official sources including coroner’s offices, on 4,000 drowning events in 10 countries over three decades since the 1990s. They were then able to compare these figures to records from lakes showing when ice formed and melted each winter. What they found was that higher temperatures were a good predictor of the number of deaths by drowning. “We can confidently say that there is a quite a strong correlation between warmer winter air temperatures and more winter drownings,” said study leader Sapna Sharma, from York University in Toronto, Canada. “Almost half of the winter drownings were associated with warmer temperatures.”

        One of the saddest aspects of the study, however, was the fact that many of the victims were very young. “They were playing on the ice, tobogganing or ice skating and they just weren’t able to recognise when the ice was unsafe. They may not have recognised that slushy ice or a little open patch of water could be so fatal.” Even when lake or river accidents were not deadly, they often had life-changing impacts. In cold water accidents where children suffered cardiac arrest, about 90% of them also experienced significant neurological damage, and only 27% were alive a year later.

        Researchers say that despite efforts made by governments to educate the public on the dangers of melting ice due to climate change, they expect that winter drowning events will likely increase in the future. They are particularly worried about this winter, as people may be spending more time outdoors due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. 

        “Everything is closed right now, and more people are spending time in nature and where they might not have done so before,” explained Sapna Sharma. “This year, it’s forecast to be a warmer, wetter winter, so in combination with more people going outside that could be that could be quite dangerous.”

(Adapted from

Question 44: Which best serves as the title for the passage?

                A. Warmer Winters Associated With Increased Risk Of Drowning                             

                B. Why Is Climate Change Making People Afraid Of Winter Activities?

                C. Educating People About The Dangers Of Melting Ice: A Difficult Task

                D. How A Warmer Climate With More Melting Ice Is Putting Children At Risk

Question 45: The word “collated” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to __________.

                A. arranged                  B. summoned             C. combined          D. gathered

Question 46: According to paragraph 2, how did the researchers conduct their study?

                A. They analysed data taken from coroner’s offices on drowning events.

                B. They compared data on drownings to records of when ice formed and melted.

                C. They looked at the formation and melting of ice in 10 countries over 30 years.

                D. They examined 4,000 drownings in each of the 10 countries studied.

Question 47: The word “slushy” in paragraph 3 can be best replaced by ___________.

                A. faulty                 B. unstable          C. vulnerable          D. damaged

Question 48: In paragraph 3, what do we learn about non-deadly water accidents involving children?                

                A. In a small number of cases, they still had life-changing impacts on children.

                B. The vast majority of these accidents led to children having cardiac arrest.

                C. About 90% of children still suffered neurological damage in these accidents.

                D. Over 70% of children who suffered cardiac arrest in these accidents died.

Question 49: The word “They” in paragraph 4 refers to ___________.

                A. researchers          B. efforts           C. dangers          D. events

Question 50: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

                A. Winter activities have recently gained more and more popularity in places like Canada.

                B. The warmer the winter temperatures are, the more likely it is that more drownings will occur.

                C. Parents should never allow their children to play on ice in order to prevent drownings.

                D. People will start spending more time in nature even after the global COVID-19 pandemic.

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