thithin1978 6/2/2024 9:25:04 PM

        It’s being called the unnoticed apocalypse: The number of insects is declining rapidly and 41% of bug species face extinction, scientists say. “If this massive decline continues, the ramifications are enormous,” said Dave Goulson, a professor of biology at the University of Sussex in the UK and the author of a new report on insect decline for the UK Wildlife Trusts. “Three quarters of our crops depend on insect pollinators. Crops will begin to fail. We won’t have things like strawberries,” Dave stated.

        Collapses in bug populations have been reported in Germany and in Puerto Rico. And a global scientific review published earlier this year estimated that, on average, the number of insects is declining by 2.5% each year, with more than 40% of insect species threatened with extinction. In North America, the report said five bumblebee species have undergone massive declines in range and abundance in the last 25 years, with one, Franklin’s bumblebee, going extinct. In Ohio, the butterfly population has fallen by a third. 

        According to Goulson, habitat loss was the biggest culprit in declining insect populations globally, but pesticide use in farming and climate change were also contributing. However, the report says we can all act as first responders and take relatively simple steps to help reverse what it describes as a “catastrophic decline in the abundance and diversity of insects” such as mowing your lawn less frequently and allow part of it to flower and avoiding using pesticides as well as encouraging others to do the same.                                      

 (Adapted from

Question 39: What is the passage mainly about?          

                A. Steps you can take to make your garden more attractive to insects.

                B. The importance of insects to the growing of crops around the world.          

                C. The decrease in insect populations and what we can do to prevent it.        

                D. The main contributors to the extinction of insect species worldwide.

Question 40: The word “ramifications” in paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to __________.

                A. impressions         B. impacts          C. dangers         D. extinctions

Question 41: According to the passage, collapses in insect population __________.

                A. are most severe in countries such as Germany and Puerto Rico. 

                B. will ultimately cause the disappearance of all crops except strawberries.                           

                C. have been detected in many areas around the world.

                D. are the reason why many species of bees have gone extinct in Ohio.

Question 42: All of the following are mentioned in the passage as causes of decreasing insect populations EXCEPT __________.

                A. Crop failure                  B. Climate change

                C. Habitat loss                 D. Use of pesticides

Question 43: The word “it” in paragraph 3 refers to ___________.

                A. lawn          B. report         C. decline               D. diversity

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