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ĐỀ 18

(Đề thi có 04 trang)


Bài thi: NGOẠI NGỮ; Môn thi: TIẾNG ANH

Thời gian làm bài: 60 phút không kể thời gian phát đề

Họ, tên thí sinh:…………………………………………………………………………

Số báo danh:.................................................................................................................... 

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 

Question 1A. cast           B. cite              C. cold            D. cup

Question 2. A. bite               B. sign                    C. hide         D. fill

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.  

Question 3A. express             B. enter                C. employ            D. reduce 

Question 4: A. purity           B. chemical                        C. habitat             D. destruction

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 

Question 5. She has read an interesting book, ________?

        A. has she        B. hasn’t she        C. does she              D. didn’t she

Question 6. You know there is no point in ________ about the past – after all, you can’t change it, can you?

        A. to worry        B. having worried        C. to be worrying        D. worrying

Question 7 In November, Tam Dao, a _______________ retreat built by the French in Vinh Phuc, was voted the world’s leading tourist town in the 2022 World Travel Awards.

        A. popularity         B. popularly         C. popular               D. popularize

Question 8. When she was stopped by the police for speeding, she gave them a(n)___ name and address.

        A. false        B. counterfeit            C. inauthentic           D. artificial

Question 9. Tom burnt his hand when he_______ dinner. 

        A. has cooked         B. were cooking         C. cooked        D. was cooking

Question 10. The museum of modern art we went to yesterday was fantastic, but the entrance_______ was a bit expensive.

        A. charge        B. cost        C. ticket        D. fee

Question 11. The bike tour lasts around one hour, ________ visitors to ride along the coast of Tam Thanh beach.

        A. enabling         B. enables               C. enabled                    D. which enable

Question 12. It’s difficult to ___________ accurate predictions about the effects on the environment. 

        A. make         B. do         C. go                     D. take

Question 13 Jane_______ the word in the dictionary whenever she is not sure of its spelling or meaning.

        A. looks up        B. turns on        C. takes after                D. stands for

Question 14. During the interview, you should try to_________ a good impression on your interviewer. 

        A. try         B. give        C. have          D. create

Question 15 I find that ______ Japanese are very friendly.

        A. a        B. the        C. Ø (no article)              D. an

Question 16My dad is ______ person in the world.

        A. the greatest         B. more the greatest         C. most greatest         D. the most greatest 

Question 17. It wasn’t very sensitive of you to put her on the ________ with private questions like that.

        A. set        B. spot         C. site         D. scene

Question 18. I will have been away from home for more than three years 

        A. until I will have returned to my country next month 

        B. once I had returned to my country next month 

        C. as soon as I will return to my country next month 

        D. by the time I return to my country next month. 

Question 19. All candidates _____________ to take a short test last year. 

        A. have required         B. require        C. requires         D. were required

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s)CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s)in each of the following questions.

Question 20. Wilson is a sociable boy. He makes friends at his new school quite easily. 

        A. shy         B. careful             C. nervous             D. friendly 

Question 21: One of my distant relatives is wavering between buying a house in the inner city or moving away. 

        A. weakening          B. hesitating                 C. growing            D. approving

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s)OPPOSITE in meaning to the underlined word(s)in each of the following questions.

Question 22. The burglar crept into the house without making any noise. That’s why no one heard anything. 

        A. silently               B. slowly                 C. rapidly             D. noisily 

Question 23: I don’t think we should kick the can down the road and let our next generation solve the global warming problem. 

        A. determine to solve a problem         B. delay dealing with a problem 

        C. avoid dealing with a problem                       D. try in vain to address a problem

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the sentence that best completes each of the following exchanges.

Question 24. Josh and Mike are talking about hobbies.

Josh: “What is your hobby Mike?” - Mike: “___________”

        A. Well, I like hiking.                 B. Well, I want sugar

        C. Sure, I’ll go with you.                         D. Oh, I live here.

Question 25. John and Smith are talking about solar energy.

John: “Solar energy is not only plentiful and unlimited but also clean and safe. Do you think so?”

Smith: “_________”

        A. Thanks for your kind words.                            B. Thank you, I’m fine at the moment.

        C. Thank you for your consideration.            D. Yeah. You’re absolutely right.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each the numbered blanks from 26 to 30.

        In an educational context, the term ‘learner independence’ has gained increasing importance in recent years. It is of particular (26) _______ to language learning and commonly refers to the way students confidently control and organise their own language learning process. While some people seem to have an almost instinctive flaw for languages, (27) _______ have to rely on strategies to maximise their skills and learn a foreign language more effectively.

        The main thing to remember is that becoming a truly independent learner ultimately depends above all on taking responsibility for your own learning and being prepared to take every opportunity available to you to learn. You also increase your chances of (28) _______ by learning according to your own needs and interests, using all available resources. Research shows that learners (29) _______ adopt this approach will undoubtedly manage to broaden their language abilities considerably and, (30) _______ are mote likely to achieve their objectives in the longer term.

                                 (Adapted from “Complete Advanced” by Laura Mathews and Barbara Thomas)

Question 26A. resemblance        B. acceptance            C. relevance           D. acquaintance

Question 27A. each                       B. every         C. others          D. few

Question 28A. interest                 B. failure               C. suspicision                   D. success

Question 29A. who              B. why           C. which              D. where

Question 30A. though           B. as a result              C. because          D. in contrast           

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions.

         Notre Dame Cathedral will be rebuilt just the way it stood before last year’s devastating fire, according to the verdict reached by French President Emmanuel Macron, the cathedral’s present-day architects and the general in charge of the reconstruction project for one of the world’s most treasured landmarks.

Macron, who wants the monument reopened in time for the 2024 Olympics, had initially pushed for a contemporary approach, prompting eye-catching proposals from architects around the world such as a swimming pool and an organic garden on its roof. However, he came around to the traditionalists’ argument, and approved reconstruction plans that were presented on Thursday.

        The plan includes recreating the 19th century spire designed by architect Eugene Viollet-le-Duc that collapsed in the fire and replicating original materials “to guarantee the authenticity, harmony and coherence of this masterpiece of Gothic art.” These include tons of lead, which is raising concerns among health and environmental groups, as toxic lead particles released during the fire forced schools in the area to close and led to a lengthy, painstaking clean-up effort.

(Adapted from apnews.com)

Question 31: What is the best title for this passage?

        A. Can Notre Dame Be Reopened Before The 2024 Olympics?  

        B. How Notre Dame Will Be Rebuilt After The Devastating Fire

        C. The French President’s Approach To Rebuilding Notre Dame                

        D. Concerns About The Use Of Lead To Rebuild Notre Dame

Question 32: The phrase “came around to” in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to ___________.

        A. was deceived by                    B. was forced by        

        C. was persuaded by                           D. was inspired by

Question 33: The word “its” in paragraph 2 refers to __________.

        A. monument’s            B. approach’s                C. pool’s               D. garden’s

Question 34: Which of the following is NOT TRUE, according to the passage?

        A. Macron initially wanted to rebuild Notre Dame in a modern way.    

        B. Proposals from architects worldwide included a swimming pool.

        C. The 19th century spire designed by Eugene Viollet-le-Duc will be repaired.

        D. Lead was one of the original materials that were used to build Notre Dame.

Question 35: According to paragraph 3, health and environmental groups are worried about the use of lead as material for the reconstruction of Notre Dame because __________.

        A. the release of toxic lead particles forced local schools to close.

        B. a lengthy clean-up operation will be necessary after the reconstruction.

        C. the lead particles released can increase the risk of another fire.

        D. schools in the area will have to close once again during reconstruction.

Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 36 to 42.

         Some people look at an equation and see a bunch of complicated numbers and symbols while others see beauty. Now, thanks to a new tool created at Carnegie Mellon University, anyone can now translate the abstractions of mathematics into beautiful and instructive illustrations.

        This exciting new tool is named Penrose after the mathematician Roger Penrose, who is famous for using diagrams and other drawings to communicate complicated mathematical ideas. Penrose enables users to create diagrams simply by typing mathematical expressions and letting the software do the drawing. Unlike a graphing calculator, these aren’t restricted to basic functions, but can be complex relationships from any area of mathematics. ”Some mathematicians have a talent for drawing beautiful diagrams by hand, but they vanish as soon as the chalkboard is erased,” said Keenan Crane, an assistant professor of computer science and robotics. “We want to make this expressive power available to anyone.”

        Diagrams are often underused in mathematical communication, since producing high-quality illustrations is beyond the skill of many researchers and requires a great deal of time and effort. Penrose addresses these challenges by letting diagram-drawing experts turn their knowledge about creating diagrams into computer codes so that other users can access this capability using familiar mathematical language and a computer. “We started off by asking: ‘How do people translate mathematical ideas into pictures in their head?’” said Katherine Ye, a Ph.D. student in the Computer Science Department who is involved in the development of Penrose. “The secret sauce of our system is to empower people to easily ‘explain’ this translation process to the computer, so the computer can do all the hard work of actually making the picture.”  

        Once the computer learns how the user wants to see a mathematical object visualized – a vector represented by a little arrow, for instance, or a point represented as a dot – it uses these rules to draw several candidate diagrams. Users can then select and edit the diagrams they want from a gallery of possibilities. A special, simple-to-learn programming language was also developed so that they can easily convey the ideas in their minds to the Penrose system, Crane said. “Mathematicians can get very picky about notations,” he explained. “We let them define whatever notation they want, so they can express themselves naturally.”

        The researchers will present Penrose at the SIGGRAPH 2020 Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques, which will be held this July. “Our vision is to be able to dust off an old math textbook from the library, drop it into the computer and get a beautifully illustrated book -- that way more people understand,” Crane said, noting that Penrose is a first step toward this goal.

 (Adapted from sciencedaily.com)

Question 36: Which best serves as the title for the passage?

        A. Penrose: The Tool Making Textbooks Outdated                  

        B. Visualizing Mathematics With Penrose

        C. The Age of Computer Mathematicians            

        D. Why Mathematicians Cannot Draw Diagrams

Question 37: The word “restricted” in paragraph 2 can be best replaced by ___________.

        A. confined              B. enclosed           C. included            D. contained

Question 38: In paragraph 2, what do we learn about the tool Penrose?            

        A. It was named after the famous mathematician who developed it.

        B. It helps users to create mathematical diagrams by themselves.

        C. It is much more powerful than a typical graphing calculator.

        D. It was created so that anyone can draw diagrams by hand.

Question 39: The phrase “secret sauce” in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to __________.

        A. unexpected benefit                     B. mysterious feature

        C. unnatural ability                      D. special element

Question 40: Penrose address the challenges of creating diagrams in mathematical communication by allowing users to _________.            

        A. make mathematical diagrams from computer codes with the help of diagram-drawing experts. 

        B. describe how they visualize mathematical ideas to the computer so that it can create diagrams. 

        C. learn about how experts translate mathematical language into pictures created with computers. 

        D. utilize codes developed by diagram experts to figure out how to visualize mathematical ideas.

Question 41: The word “they” in paragraph 4 refers to ___________.                  

        A. users           B. diagrams           C. possibilities          D. ideas

Question 42: Which of the following can be inferred from the passage?

        A. Hand-drawn diagrams are not as beautiful and easy to understand as digital diagrams.

        B. In general, mathematicians are not very good at remembering and defining notations.

        C. How a mathematical object should be visualized varies from person to person.

        D. Almost all people consider traditional math textbooks to be extremely boring.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the underlined part that needs correction in each of the following questions.

 Question 43. One can only live without water for about ten days because almost   60 percent of their body is water.

        A. for        B. because        C. their        D. is

Question 44. You should be more respectable of other people’s points of view. Don’t embarrass someone even if they are wrong.

        A. should be        B. respectable        C. points of view        D. embarrass

Question 45We  have met each other in San Diego three year ago.

        A. we        B. have met        C. each other        D. in

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that is closest in meaning to each of the following questions.

Question 46. The last time I talked to Rose was three years ago.

        A. I didn’t talk to Rose three years ago.                        B. I have talked to Rose for three years.

        C. I hadn’t talked to Rose for three years.                      D. I haven’t talked to Rose for three years.

Question 47. “I have just seen your mother this morning”.

        A. Laura told Lewis I have just seen your mother this morning.

        B. Laura told Lewis she had just seen his mother that morning.

        C. Laura told Lewis she has just seen his mother that morning.

        D. Laura told Lewis he had just seen her mother that morning.

Question 48. Perhaps Susan know the address. 

        A. Susan may know the address.             B. Susan must know the address.

        C. Susan should know the address.               D. Susan could know the address.

Mark the letter A, B, C or D on your answer sheet to indicate the sentence that best combines each pair of sentences in the following questions.

Question 49. You help me every day. I can finish my work.

        A. I could finish my work if you didn’t help me every day.

        B. If it weren’t for your daily help, I couldn’t finish my work.

        C. Unless you help me every day, I can finish my work.

        D. In case you help me every day, I can’t finish my work.  

Question 50. She was so busy that she couldn’t answer the phone.

        A. She was very busy that she couldn’t answer the phone.

        B. So busy was she that she couldn’t answer the phone.

        C. She was too busy not to answer the phone.

        D. She was very busy so that she couldn’t answer the phone

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Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word whose underlined part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions. 

Question 1. A. cast           B. cite              C. cold            D. cup

A.  /kɑːst/                     B. /saɪt/                C. /kəʊld/                    D. /kʌp/

Giải thích: Đáp án B: Phần gạch chân phát âm là /s/, các đáp án còn lại phát âm là /k/ 

Question 2. A. bite               B. sign                    C. hide         D. fill

A. /baɪt/                       B. /saɪn/                          C. /haɪd/                      D. /fɪl/

Giải thích: Đáp án D: Phần gạch chân phát âm là /i/, các đáp án còn lại phát âm là /ai/

Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of the primary stress in each of the following questions.  

Question 3. A. express             B. enter                C. employ            D. reduce 

A. /ɪkˈspres/                  B. /ˈentər/                      C. /ɪmˈplɔɪ/                        D. /rɪˈdjuːs/

Giải thích: Đáp án B trọng âm rơi vào âm 1, các đáp án còn lại trọng âm ở âm 2 

Question 4: A. purity           B. chemical                        C. habitat             D. destruction

A. /ˈpjʊrəti/                  B. /ˈkemɪkl/                   C. /ˈhæbɪtæt/                D. /dɪˈstrʌkʃn/

Giải thích: Đáp án D trọng âm rơi vào âm 2, các đáp án còn lại trọng âm ở âm 1 

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the correct answer to each of the following questions. 

Question 5. She has read an interesting book, ________?

A. has she        B. hasn’t she        C. does she              D. didn’t she

Đáp án: B. Kiến thức: Câu hỏi đuôi

Giải thích: Câu hỏi đuôi. Vế trước khẳng định (She has read an interesting book), câu hỏi đuôi phải ở dạng phủ định (hasn’t she)

Dịch: Cô ấy đã đọc một quyển sách thú vị, phải không?

Question 6You know there is no point in ________ about the past – after all, you can’t change it, can you?

        A. to worry        B. having worried        C. to be worrying        D. worrying

Đáp án D

- Giải thích: "there is no point in + Ving": vô ích khi làm gì. 
- Dịch nghĩa: Bạn biết là vô ích khi lo lắng về quá khứ mà. Rốt cuộc, bạn chẳng thể thay đổi nó được, đúng không?

Question 7 In November, Tam Dao, a _______________ retreat built by the French in Vinh Phuc, was voted the world’s leading tourist town in the 2022 World Travel Awards.

A. popularity                 B. popularly                 C. popular                       D. popularize

Đáp án: C. Kiến thức: Từ loại

Giải thích: retreat là danh từ, đi trước nó ta cần một tính từ

- popular: phổ biến (adj)

Các đáp án còn lại không phù hợp:

A.  popularity: tính đại chúng, tính phổ biến (n)

B.  popularly: một cách phổ biến (adv)

D.  popularize: làm nhiều người biết đến (v)

Dịch: Vào tháng 11, Tam Đảo, một khu nghỉ dưỡng nổi tiếng được xây bởi người Pháp ở Vĩnh Phúc, được bình chọn là thị trấn du lịch hàng đầu thế giới trong lễ trao giải Du lịch thế giới 2022. 

Question 8. When she was stopped by the police for speeding, she gave them a(n)________ name and address.

A. false                B. counterfeit            C. inauthentic           D. artificial

Giải thích: a false name: tên giả (n)

Dịch: Khi cô ta bị ngăn lại bởi cảnh sát vì quá tốc độ, cô ta đã cho họ một cái tên cùng địa chỉ giả.

Mở rộng:

A.  false:

+ false name: cái tên giả

+ false claim/ accusation/ statement/ belief/ assumption/ impression

+ false teeth/ eyelashes/ beard: răng/ lông mi/ râu giả

B.  counterfeit: giả (thường dùng với hàng hóa, hoặc tiền bạc)

+ counterfeit watch/ money / jewellery/ passport/ coin

C.  artificial: nhân tạo, do con người tạo ra

+ artificial light/ flower/ sweetener/ fertilizer

D.  inauthentic: giả

+ inauthentic food/ character

Ex: He criticized the restaurant’s inauthentic food.

Question 9. Tom burnt his hand when he_______ dinner. 

A. has cooked                 B. were cooking         C. cooked                D. was cooking

Đáp án: D. Kiến thức: Thì Quá khứ tiếp diễn

Giải thích: Diễn tả một hành động đang xảy ra (nấu ăn) -QKD thì có hành động khác xen vào (làm bỏng tay) – QKTD

Các đáp án còn lại không phù hợp về thì

Dịch: Tom đã làm bỏng tay của anh ta khi đang nấu buổi tối. 

Question 10. The museum of modern art we went to yesterday was fantastic, but the entrance_______ was a bit expensive.

A. charge                B. cost                        C. ticket                D. fee

Đáp án: D. Kiến thức: Từ vựng

Giải thích: entrance fee: phí vào cổng

Các đáp án còn lại không phù hợp về nghĩa

A. charge: tiền thù lao, tiền công (n)                B. cost: chi phí , kinh phí        C. Ticket; vé

Dịch: Bảo tàng nghệ thuật hiện đại mà chúng tôi đến hôm qua rất tuyệt vời, nhưng phí vào cổng thì rất đắt.

Question 11. The bike tour lasts around one hour, ________ visitors to ride along the coast of Tam Thanh beach.

A. enabling                 B. enables                       C. enabled                    D. which enable

Đáp án: A. Kiến thức: Rút gọn mênh đề quan hệ

Giải thích: Rút gọn mệnh đề quan hệ ở dạng chủ động: V_ing

Câu đầy đủ: The bike tours lasts around one hour, which enables visitors to ride along the coast of Tam Thanh beach.

Dịch: Đoàn đi xe đạp kéo dài gần một tiếng, cái cho phép các du khách đạp xe dọc bờ biển của bãi biển Tam Thanh. 

Question 12. It’s difficult to ___________ accurate predictions about the effects on the environment. 

A. make                 B. do                         C. go                             D. take

Đáp án: A. Kiến thức: Từ vựng

Giải thích: make predictions: dự đoán, tiên đoán

Dịch: Thật khó để dự đoán chính xác về những ảnh hưởng đến môi trường.

Mở rộng:

-       Make:

+ Make progress in sth: tiến bộ

+ make sense; cí ý nghĩa

+ make a living: kiếm sống

+ make contribution to sth góp phần vào

+ make a mistake: phạm lỗi

+ make an observation: quan sát

-      Take:

+ Take a nap: ngủ 1 giấc

+ Take a close look: xem xét kĩ lưỡng

+ Take a seat: tìm chỗ ngồi

+ Take medicine: uống thuốc

+ Take a bow: cúi đầu

+ Take control of sth: kiểm soát

+ Take one’s time: ung dung, từ từ, thong thả

-      Do:

+ do a drawing/painting/sketch

+ do + khoảng thời gian; dành thời gian làm gì. Ex: He did 6 years in prison for armed robbery.

+ do away with sb: giết ai

+ do one’s best: cố gắng hết sức

+ do a course: học một khóa học

-    Go:

+ go bankrupt: phá sản

+ go astray: đi lầm đường

+ go mad/ angry/ deaf/ blind: trở nên điên rồ/ nổi giận/ điếc/ mù lòa

+ go well with: hòa hợp với 

Question 13 Jane_______ the word in the dictionary whenever she is not sure of its spelling or meaning.

A. looks up                B. turns on                C. takes after                D. stands for

Đáp án: A. Kiến thức: Từ vựng

Giải thích: Look up: tra cứu (từ điển…); trở nên tốt đẹp;

Các đáp án còn lại không phù hợp:

B. Turn on: tấn công ai bất ngờ; phụ thuộc vào (=depend on); bật cái gì lên

C. Take after: giống ai (thành viên trong gia đình); đuổi theo, chạy theo ai

D. Stand for: viết tắt cho (từ gì)

Dịch: Jane tra cứu từ trong từ điển bất kì khi nào cô ấy không chắc về cách phát âm hay nghĩa của từ đó. 

Question 14. During the interview, you should try to_________ a good impression on your interviewer. 

A. try                         B. give                        C. have                  D. create

Đáp án: D. Kiến thức: Từ vựng

Giải thích:

-    Create a good impression: tạo ấn tượng tốt

-    Give an impression of: tạo cảm giác, ấn tượng …

Dịch: Trong suốt buổi phỏng vấn, bạn nên cố gắng tạo ấn tượng tốt đối với nhà tuyển dụng

Question 15 I find that ______ Japanese are very friendly.

A. a                        B. the                        C. Ø (no article)              D. an

Đáp án: C. Kiến thức: Mạo từ

Giải thích: Trước danh từ chỉ người của một quốc gia, không dùng mạo từ

Dịch: Tôi thấy người Nhật rất thân thiện

Question 16My dad is ______ person in the world.

A. the greatest                                 B. more the greatest 

C. most greatest                                 D. the most greatest 

Đáp án: B. Kiến thức: So sánh hơn

Giải thích: Dạng so sánh hơn của tính từ dài phải theo cấu trúc more + tính từ dài + than

Các đáp án còn lại sai về ngữ pháp

Dịch: Bố tôi là người vĩ đại nhất thế giới.

Question 17. It wasn’t very sensitive of you to put her on the __________ with private questions like that.

A. set                        B. spot                 C. site                         D. scene

Đáp án: B . Kiến thức: Thành ngữ

Giải thích: put sb on the spot: làm ai khó xử, làm ai bối rối

Các đáp án còn lại không phù hợp

Dịch: Bạn không hề tinh tế khi làm cô ta khó xử với những câu hỏi riêng tư như thế

Mở rộng:

-      on the spot = immediately: ngay lập tức

* Phân biệt sensitive với sensible:

+ sensitive: be sensitve to (tinh tế đối với); nhạy cảm (da, răng, mắt…); nhạy cảm (a sensitive topic/ issue/ matter/ subject/ information)

+ sensible: khôn khéo, khôn ngoan; thoải mái, dễ chịu (giày dép, quần áo)

+ be sensible of: nhận thức được

Question 18. I will have been away from home for more than three years 

A. until I will have returned to my country next month 

B. once I had returned to my country next month 

C. as soon as I will return to my country next month 

D. by the time I return to my country next month. 

Đáp án: D. Kiến thức: Thì tương lai hoàn thành

Giải thích: thì TLHT diễn tả một hành động diễn ra trước một thời điểm trong tương lai.

Các đáp án còn lại sai về ngữ pháp

A. Trong mệnh đề đi với until thì không dùng will

B. Câu trước đang dùng ở thì tương lai, vế này dùng thì quá khứ hoàn thành nên không có sự hòa hợp về thì

C. Mệnh đề đi với as soon as thì không có will

Dịch: Cho đến khi tôi quay về nước vào tháng tới thì tôi đã xa nhà trong hơn 3 năm. 

Question 19. All candidates _____________ to take a short test last year. 

A. have required         B. require                C. requires                 D. were required

Đáp án: D. Kiến thức: Câu bị động

Giải thích: Theo nghĩa của câu, thì phải dùng ở dạng bị động (được yêu cầu làm một bài kiểm tra ngắn), cái đáp án còn lại đều ở dạng chủ động nên không phù hợp về nghĩa

Dịch: Tất cả thí sinh đều được yêu cầu phải làm một bài kiểm tra ngắn vào năm ngoái. 

Mark the letter A, B, C or D to indicate the word(s)CLOSEST in meaning to the underlined word(s)in each of the following questions.

Question 20. Wilson is a sociable boy. He makes friends at his new school quite easily. 

A. shy                         B. careful                     C. nervous                     D. friendly 

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